Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Bird talk

Today my class and some other classes went to the hall and Miss Best came and told us about Birds. She told us about how to tell if a Bird hunts Birds or not.
How to tell is that you look at there eyes and if they are big then the Bird in a hunter.
There is a trap that you get ink on a peace of cardboard and then something comes in and it leaves its feet mark and you can see what animal is.


Thursday, 25 July 2019

2 lie and 1 truth

this is my holiday writing it has 2 lies and 1 truth try and find out what is the truth
  1. A person who is my hero is Drlupo - a gamer
  2. This person is my hero because he gave over one hundred thousand dollars to charity
  3. Two words that describe this person are friendly and amiable
  4. One thing the person does that I admire is be kind
  5. One way I can be more like my hero is be more giving

Are you a hero? Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic. i pick up some rubbish when I went to my friends house. I did the dishes at my house. I feed two cats that just randomly come round to my house.

What is a hero

Thursday, 4 July 2019

when I am ...

When I am 11 I will go to Pasadena and have no friends
When I am 12 I will learn how to do a wheely
When I am 13 I will get taller (hopefully) so I can get another motorbike
When I am 14 I will get a new motorbike and ride lots
When I am 15 I will ride my motorbike every day.
When I am 16 I will get my licence for a car and a motorbike
When I am 17 will by a Tesla and brag that I have a Tesla to all of my friends
When I am 18 I leave school and I will be a motorbike rider
When I am 19 I will travel the world

When I am 20 I will have a child and it will be a boy and I will name it Vincent but call it Vinnie

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


SICK SENTENCES The boy looked at the beautiful sky through his amazing telescope. It was a dark starry night. There were beautiful amazing awesome stars everywhere.

The star carefully glided across the dark night sky.
As i take pictures of this amazing thing I realize that I am standing on water. How am i standing on water. I am going to keep taking pictures like i was before. The stars look like a blownen up rainbow. I wish i could get closer. I want to jump in it but I cant I am going to get a space ship. 3 2 1 blast of i am heading for the blowing up rainbow. Well thats what i am going to call it. Star a head I am going to crash in to it. BOOM. as i zoom down going straight for the water SPLASH. I am not doing that ever again.